Protests Against EACOP Project in Uganda and Tanzania

Uganda and Tanzania’s communities strongly oppose the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) project. On Monday, civil society organizations (CSOs) joined the affected communities in both countries to organize protests outside the Chinese embassies. They expressed concerns about the project's devastating impact and called for China to withdraw its support.

The protests were triggered by reports that Chinese President Xi Jinping endorsed the project, which raised alarm among environmental groups and local communities. In Uganda, activists were arrested while trying to deliver a petition highlighting the project’s negative consequences, such as land loss, disrupted livelihoods, and environmental degradation. Similar protests also occurred in Tanzania, where communities face eviction and loss of income due to the project.

The seven Ugandan activists arrested spent the night in a police station before being released on a police bond yesterday evening. No arrests were made in Tanzania.

The StopEACOP coalition and international experts have condemned the arrests and continue to urge China to withdraw its financial support for the project. The coalition emphasizes the importance of renewable energy solutions and the need to respect community rights and environmental protections.

To access the full press release, click here.


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